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Showing posts from February, 2019

Wands in real life: The magic powers of the conductor's baton

Conducting an orchestra is probably the closest thing you can get to magic in the real world. It's a bold assertion, but I'm actually studying to become an orchestra conductor so I'm not saying this just to say it.  I still have a lot to learn, but even at this early stage in my journey I've noticed the similarities between conducting and magic, least of all is the wand-like object with which the conductor is usually seen - the baton.

Wand Design Guidelines: 11 tips to help you design the perfect wand

Thinking about designing your own wand? On this page of the notebook I've compiled 11 tips to help you create the perfect design.

Wandmaking Workshop: Whittle Your Own Wand! Part 2

Welcome back to the Wandmaking Workshop! On this page of the notebook, we'll continue from where we left off in Part 1 and continue to carve our own wand from wood.

Wandmaking Workshop: Whittle Your Own Wand! Part 1

Welcome to the wandmaking workshop! On this page of the notebook, We'll learn some basic woodworking techniques that you can use to carve your very own wand from wood. Say goodbye to chopsticks and hot glue - this is the real deal.

So you want to make a wand? Two wandmaking methods that don't involve woodworking

So you want to make a wand of your own? That's  wand erful! (awful pun, I know) "But I don't know where to start!" you say. Not to worry, there are wandmaking methods appropriate for every age and skill level. On this page of the notebook, we'll be looking at two methods that do not require woodworking and discussing their pros and cons. Read on to find the one for you, or check out the Wandmaking Workshop to learn about carving one from wood.